Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery)
What is rhinoplasty (Nose Job)?
Rhino means nose and plasty means to shape, mold, or form. Rhinoplasty, nose job, can be done because of correting breathing problems related to the nose or correct disfigurement resulting from trauma or birth defects.
It can also be done for cosmetic reasons, which will change the nose’s shape and appearance. The plastic surgeon makes three-dimensional changes which instantly alter other areas of the nose.
The decision to have rhinoplasty surgery should begin with an understanding about what you wish to achieve from this surgery.
Having a consultation with an expert surgeon is the first step towards gaining understanding of the process.
Reconstructive rhinoplasty, or functional rhinoplasty, can also be used to open blocked nasal passages caused by crooked, twisted, or collapsed cartilage or bone; and rhinoplasty is often performed with both cosmetic and functional goals in mind. Please do not forget that there is no such thing as a perfect nose. Rhinoplasty Surgery, can increase facial features and emphasize your unique, natural beauty. Dr Alp Aslan can describe the facial features that make you unique and tell you how changes would enhance your appearance. Plastic Surgeon Dr Alp Aslan suggests that therefore, it is of utmost importance that patients interested in rhinoplasty work with an experienced and skilled plastic surgeon who has excellent aesthetic judgement and anatomical knowledge.
Deciding on a Primary Nose Job
1- Rhinoplasty is done on a same-day basis. I prefer to use general anesthesia because there tends to be bleeding in the back of the throat, and this may be a problem with a semi-conscious patient.
2- After rhinoplasty surgery a long-acting numbing agent is used to ensure the patient leaves the surgery center pain-free.
A splint is usually placed on the nose for one week.
The nose will be noticeably swollen for several days, and shouldn’t be blown. Half of rhinoplasty patients have some bruising. It may take up to a year or even long before all minor traces of swelling disappear, but the nose will definitely look better by the time the splint comes off after surgery.
3- The risks and limitations of rhinoplasty is thick skin, because this is difficult to shrink and conform to the underlying framework of the procedure.
To reach the bone and cartilage two methods are available:
• Open rhinoplasty: This technique begins with making a small incision between the two nostrils.
• Closed rhinoplasty: Closed rhinoplasty method, all incisios are made in the internal parts of the nose.
In open rhinoplasty & closed rhinoplasty plastic surgery methods, skin is elevated off the nasal tissue. In open method, the surgeon has a better vision and can apply more complicated changes on the nose. The incisions are repaired faster and there is no scar is that advantage of close method is.
Success rate of the closed method is not necessarily lower than the open method; in some cases, the results are even better. Making choices between these two methods depends on the hand of surgeon and the extent of changes. In other words, depending on how skillful the surgeon is on either of the two methods and depending on the type of necessary changes, based on the preference of the patient, one of these methods are chosen.
In general open method is more popular. Because it fulfills the expectations of the patients better and gives the surgeon a better capability to apply complicated changes. If the patient does not want to have scars on their nose, (even for a limited period of time) and does not request for intense changes, the close method is preferred.