
Chemical Peeling

What is Chemical Peeling?

Chemical solutions are carefully applied to your skin to improve the texture by removing damaged outer layers.

Chemical peels remove old skin so that new layers can grow in their place and are a popular acne treatment.

The formula used by your doctor will be adjusted to meet your particular needs.

There are three types of chemical peels:

Light chemical peel – Subtle improvements at first, but that healthy glow will increase with more treatments

Alpha-Hydroxy Acid (AHA) peels: Usually, the most superficial peels are those using Alpha-Hydroxy Acids, including glycolic acid.
Sometimes, a single treatment with an AHA peel will give your skin a fresher, healthier appearance and a radiant glow. Repeated treatments can help improve your skin’s texture, reduce the effects of aging and sun damage. Your treatment provider can also recommend a maintenance program with AHA products that you can regularly apply at home.

An in-office Alpha-Hydroxy Acid peel requires no anesthesia or sedation. You will only feel a tingling or mild stinging sensation when the AHA peel is applied to your face. Immediately after the treatment, you should be able to wear makeup, and go back to your daily routine.

Medium chemical peel – Your skin will be noticeably smoother and fresher-looking

TCA peel: A TCA peel is often used for the treatment of wrinkles, pigmentary changes, and skin blemishes. Many patients benefit from having TCA applied on the face, neck, and other areas that have been exposed to the sun. For spot peeling of limited areas, including around the mouth or eyes, TCA peels are often preferred because they have less bleaching effect than solutions containing phenol, another popular peeling agent. For that reason, some medical providers have found TCA to be effective in treating darker-skinned patients.

Deep (phenol) chemical peel – Results are dramatic, but recovery takes the longest.

Phenol is particularly helpful in minimizing the vertical lines that form around the mouth due to aging. The disadvantage of phenol for spot peeling of limited areas is that it often has a bleaching effect. After being treated with phenol, you may need to wear makeup to help the treated area blend into the surrounding skin. Unlike TCA peels, phenol cannot be used on your neck or areas. Variations in a phenol peel formula, creating a “buffered” or milder solution, may allow for greater flexibility in its use.

Deciding on Chemical Peeling:

A history of abnormal skin scarring

A naturally dark complexion or skin tone

A tendency to have extra pigmentation of your scars

Used certain acne treatments within the last year

If you have;

Acne or acne scars or chicken pox scars

Fine lines and wrinkles

Irregular skin pigmentation

Rough skin and scaly patches

Certain scars

Wrinkled or sun-damaged facial skin

Vertical wrinkles around the mouth, including those that cause lipstick “bleed”

Crow’s feet lines around your eyes, and perhaps some skin laxity in your lower eyelid area

Fine wrinkling of your upper eyelids

Brown spots or blotchy skin coloring

Some precancerous skin growths

Superficial facial scars from a past injury

What are the benefits of Chemical Peeling?

It may take months before you can fully see the results from a chemical peel. Most patients feel that it is definitely worth waiting for, and in the case of deeper treatments, the benefits tend to last a long time. More superficial resurfacing treatments may be needed to retain your results over time.

Of course, your skin will continue to age, and the wrinkles caused by movement of your facial muscles will eventually reappear. Some wrinkles may reappear sooner than others, depending on location and the type and extent of your chemical peel. Despite this, improvements from resurfacing treatments should improve your skin’s tone and texture, resulting in younger, fresher-looking skin.

Most of the patients who undergo a chemical peel suffer no serious side effects as a result of the procedure, and most patients say that they would gladly repeat the treatment

24 Ekim 2017 Genel
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